

What is genre?
A text is classified in a genre through the identification of key elements (or paradigms) which occur in that text and in others of the same genre.
These paradigms may be grouped into the following:
·         Iconography  - the main signs and symbols that you see
·         Structure - way its put together
·         Theme  - issues and ideas dealt with
·         Narrative - story that is created in a constructive format
·         Identity  
·         Setting


Gunther Kress Genre Theory

Born on the 26th of november 1949.

He is a proffesor of semiotics and education at the Institute of education of the university of london.
World Leader in the study,theorising and exploration of multimadality andthe impact on communicaion in an increase fragmented,individualised world.
He believes that the sequencing to staging (Metz Theory) is relevant.He also feels that genre changes and new genres are developed when situations begin to recur. If genre entirely overlaps in other social processes, it means that unless we view society itself as static then neither social structures, social processes nor therefore genre are static.
He argues that genre only exists in so far as a social group declares and enforced the rules.

  1.   Interpreter                                     
  2.   Producer
  3.      Text

Genre First and for most provide framework within which texts are produced and interpreted. He believes that texts are embedded with assumptions about ideal reader including their attitudes towards the subject matter (often class,age,gender and ethnic and political Matters)

Every Genre positions these who participate in a text of that kind as interviewer.
Essentially Kress believes that texts are embedded with assumptions about the 'Ideal Reader' including their attitudes towards subject matter and often their class, age gender and ethnicity)

Find videos which exemplify the shift in beliefs

One area i will be looking at is Gender. Within music videos women are seen to be looked at as objects as opposed to a person. However in some cases this can be criticised. By watching this video you are able to see how woman can be seen as more powerful.

Niki Mamaj - Superbass
  • She is talking about her identity. Normally in women in music videos don't express theme selves as much as men does
  • She is rapping within the song. This something that men tend to do.
  • She is also wearing more clothes than the man showing she is more dominant.
From these points above it is evident that they video is supporting Gunther Kress view as Niki Minaj is adapting to society as she is representing a mans role in life.

Another area could be portrayal of violence in the current world. Within this music video violence is seen as the key issue between a relationship (domestic Violence). Women are seen to be looked as innocent individuals whereas the men use that as an advantage.  By watching this video you are able to see how current issues in society are shown in music videos.

Love the way you lie-Rihanna
  • The video is shown as a performance based video along with a narrative to show the everyday life of society.
  • The body language between each other shows how they do love each other however stuggles to be with each other (relating to peoples relationship)
  • "Its like a steel knife in my windpipe" conveys violence throughout the lryics.

Another area could be portrayal of violence in the current world. Within this music video violence is seen as the key issue between a relationship (domestic Violence). Women are seen to be looked as innocent individuals whereas the men use that as an advantage.  By watching this video you are able to see how current issues in society are shown in music videos.

David Buckingham Theory

His theory was categorized in a social process like Gunther's theory. His findings offer evidence that children progressively acquire a discourse of genre.His research focuses on children's and young people interactions with electronic media and media education.

Buckingham related the development of genre to the complex issue of ever changing identity. He argues "genre is not simply given by the culture it is a constant process of negotiation and change."
Buckingham cautions that it would be a mistake to regard the dates as a demo station of audiences pre-existing cognate understanding since he stresses that categorization is a social process as well as a cognitive one.


Apply Buckingham theory to JLS (newly formed band) and The Bee Gees (earlier formed).

From these video there are many differences and similarities. 

Differences :
                      More considerate on clothing in JLS as opposed to the Bee Gees                     
                     JLS music video involves women whereas Bee Gee focus on them selves
                      More relieving in the JLS music video (topless)
                      More locations are shown whereas Bee Gees are filmed in one area
                      Dance choreography has been used in JLS but not in Bee Gees music video

Both mainly performance based videos
                     Both are Male Group bands
                     Both contextual features of females

Men Being Protrayed:

- Main focus of the music video (them standing on  stage in the foreground shows they're superior).
- 'Trend setters' - Making a fashion statement.
-Also seen as inspirational. (As they dance then the back ground dancers follow)

 Bee Gee's:
- Men are seen to be dominant as choir is based around them-given stereotypical view of males within society.
- Unity is shown throughout the whole music video with the use of one microphone between the three artists.

This is a clip from "If i was a boy" to show how the female has more power as opposed to the man as she is the one who is in control. From this it is evident that there is an existing contrast between the typical sterotype of  genders.

Christian Metz Theory. (Film Theorist)

Christian Metz (December 12 1931 to September 7 1993)

Metz believed that they are always certain structures that go into the constitution and pleasure of the cinematic spectator. 

He believed that genre developed in Four stages:
  • Stage one: Experimentation - Early stages- setting up for future texts of genre. This is when the generic codes and convention are developed. E.G Frankinstien (1937)
  • Stage Two: Classsic- Texts which become seen as iconic of the set codes and conventions E.G Saw (2004)
  • Stage Three: Media texts mock codes and conventions of genre becoming farcial E.G Scary Movie (2006)
  • Stage Four: Deconstruction- Texts which begin to unpick the will established codes and conventions to form hybirds and often 'unconventional' text forms the genre.

 Stage One.

 1. Experimentation - Early stages- setting up for future texts of genre. 
An example of this is in relation to a film genre is Scary Movie 1,2,3 and 4.  

An example of this stage would be Frankenstein in 1937. In this stage the generic codes and convention are developed. From this trailer of the movie you can see how certain conventions are used till this day. Firstly the use of the Scream from the woman automatically suggests to the audience danger and therefore suggests the genre Horror. This has been used in recent films E.G Final Destination. Also although this movie is produced in black and white (binary oppersites) the use of white font of black background showing good and evil is still used in our films today. Within all this in mind Frankenstein can be shown as an example of Stage one.

Stage Two: Classsic- Texts which become seen as iconic of the set codes and conventions An example of this is in relation to a film genre is Saw (2004)

This supports stage Two. As seen in stage 1, conventions and codes are created and so stage two follows these. In this case along with frankenstein there is a killer named Jigsaw showing how the narratives are along the same line. Also the use of the name Jigsaw and Frankenstein is also a convention as their real name doesn't tend to be referred to in Horror Movies. Also as stated in Stage 1, the use of white text on black writing for the titles has also been used again.
Media texts mocks codes and conventions of genre become farcial.
An example of this is in relation to a film genre is Scary Movie 1,2,3 and 4.  

Within this short clip of scary movie trailer you are able to see what this film is about. This film is known to be a parody and takes the fun out of several horror films. As a result it shows how this film supports Christain Metz view as this is stage three in his theory. One movie which they use to do this is Saw. Saw was created in 2001 and this movie had later come out in 2004. This also supports the view as it shows how with the use of stage two and one had to be completed in order for them to make this parody. This has been used to entertaining purposes

Stage Four.

4. Deconstruction- Texts which begin to unpick the will established codes and conventions to form hybrids and often 'unconventional' text forms the genre.
An example of this is in relation to a film genre is I am legend (2007)

This is example of stage four. From this clip you can able to see how the genre has advanced so much to create more variety. In this case it combines both action and Horror together to create this film. You can see that the use of props and make up (mise en scene) can suggest its from a horror movie however the actual narrative to save the world is a narrative you are likely to find in a action movie.