Critical Perspectives Media

"Identity is complicated- everyone think they've got one" - David Gauntlett

A focus on identity requires us to pay closer attention to the ways in which media and technologies are used in everyday life and their consequences for social groups"  - David Buckingham

Becuase 'inherited recipes for living and role stereotypes fail to function' we have to make our own new patterns of being and it seems clear that the media plays an impaortant role here - (David Gauntless)

What is Collective identity?

Representation : the was relaity is 'mediated' or ' re presented 'to us.
Collective Identity: the indiviudals sense of belonging to a group (part of personal indentity)

David Gauntlee Theory:

David Gauntlett (2002) -Media messages are diverse,duffuse and contradictory. Rather than being zapped striaght into peoples brains, ideas abut lifestyle and identity that appear in the media are recources which individuals use to think through thier sense of self and modes of expression.